HTML5 Development
Over the years, we have delivered best in class projects to clients, including responsive websites, HTML5 web applications, games and other custom web projects. HTML5's mighty multimedia and interactive capabilities can take the project visibility to another level.
With its style controls, illustration tools, and rich-media solutions, our HTML5 developers create robust, high-performance cross-platform mobile app.

Under HTML5 development, we offer following:
- Responsive Web Design
- Apps
- Widget
- Themes
- Stores
HTML5 is a markup language, used for structuring the contents on the web. HTML5 is cross platform and specially designed to deliver rich media contents. Today, HTML5 development is widely used with CSS3 for dynamic visual effects and compatibility on all mobile devices. Sunray Web Solutions is an award winning HTML5 app development company , delivering HTML5 apps and games to global clients.

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